Labels:bird | daily | poster | rock | sculpture | sky | tree | water OCR: Red- talled Hawk (Buteo Jamalcensis HUMAN IMPACT Frank Nicolettr HABITATD ES TRUCTION Goshawk Dave (Accipiter Tetlow gentilis) Ecologists have learned that itis essential to preserve large natural habitats or entire ecosystems in order to protect certain wildlife populations This is often true of large predators such as raptors which need large breeding and hunting territories When trees are for farming roadways, and other development, the woods become fragmented the forest is destroyed Where large forests are to wooded patches by ropen fields, Red -tailec Hawks have found an ideal habitat Human activity is new habitats for Red tailed Hawks The same fragment ation the forest has resulted ina habit-at loss for the goshawk Goshawks require large areas of undisturbed forest to prred ...